
How To Register on our Gallery site and How To Upload a Photo

Started by TNTease, September 26, 2016, 12:30:35 AM

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How to register and post a photo on the Gallery
How to Register on the Gallery site:

1. Go to the site:
2. on the lower left side scroll down to the bottom of the list and next to the last you should see "Register" - click on that.
3. Fill in the form that appears and then click the "Register" button.
4. You will see the following message in a red band:
"Thank You!! your registration is not validated yet, so you can't connect the gallery now. if you didn't get confirmation e-mail check your Junk box, or contact any IrcOps in #help room"
5. Check your email.  You may get two messages.  One is the confirmation message. It will probably have the subject: <nickname> registration confirmation on [ICQ-Chat Gallery]
It will thank you for registering and tell you how to complete the process by clicking on a link.  Click on the link and you will be taken to the gallery page, and see a green bar that says <nickname> account successfully validated!
You can view photos but you will need to log in to upload your own photos. (scroll down the left side menu to "Login" and fill in your info)

6. The second email message will probably have the subject: [Gallery] Registration, From: Gallery <[email protected]>
This email will contain a link to the gallery, your username, your password and your email address you registered with.  This is just for your own records.  You can click to link to get to the Gallery page if you forget it or if you forget to bookmark it.  You will still need to scroll to the bottom left in the menu to find the option to Login, click that, and then fill out the username and password you registered with and you're good to go.

How to Upload a photo to the Gallery

1. Log into the Gallery. (see above for instructions)
2. On the left side under Menu at the top, click on "Upload photos".
3. Fill in the form to upload your photo:
     a. Choose the category that your photo should go into.  Chatter photos should go into the Chatters album, and other photos may be put into Nature, Animals, Funny Pic's, Cars, or whatever other category is appropriate.)
     b. Next, select the file you wish to upload.  Click on "Choose File" (clicking on "+ Add an upload box" lets you choose several files to upload at the same time - but note that if you upload multiple files in this way, they will probably all go into the same Album.)
     c. When you click on "Choose File", A window will open to find files on Your Computer.  You will need to navigate to where the file you want to upload is, on your computer, then click on the file name, then click on the "Open" button. [NOTE: Whatever you have named the file on your computer is what the file will be named on the Gallery, so if you want to change the name, change the file name on the file on your computer.] The files window on your computer will disappear and you will be back at the Gallery upload window. 
     d. At the bottom of the form, click the "Start upload" button, this will upload your photo from your computer to the Gallery.

All Done!

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