
How-To...Register your nickname

Started by TNTease, June 08, 2016, 01:21:15 AM

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How To Register a Nickname:

To register your nick, you must be using the nickname you want to register, then type:

/msg NickServ REGISTER <password> <email>

choose your own password and use a real email address, then check your email for the verification code.
(please do not use the < >, those are only there to hold the place where you have to include your own info)

NOTE: To keep your nick registered, you need to IDENTIFY regularly, or the registration will drop 60 days after registering or after the last time you identified.
To Identify, you should be using the Registered nickname you want to Identify to.  The command to identify is:

/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>

We suggest you simply Identify every time you enter the network.

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