
Exam Results

Started by Jake, August 23, 2018, 12:09:21 PM

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JakeTopic starter

I am extremely happy today having opened my GCSE Results this morning , after having an almost 100% sleepless night, in fact I was more nervous about opening just one envelope than before I actually took the exams. For those of you who live in the UK you will understand the exam scoring system but I actually surprised myself with my results which were as follows

4 scores of 9 - which is the equivalent of 4 *A's (Maths1, English (Lit and Lang), History)
3 scores of 8 - which is the equivalent of 3 A's (Maths2, Physics, Physical Education)
2 scores of 6 - which is the equivalent of 2 B's (Chemistry, Biology)
1 score of 5 - which is the equivalent of 1 B (Design & Technology)

Maximum score you can achieve is 9 - Lowest is U

What this means is I will be ready for my final exams which are "A" Levels in May 2019 and if I succeed in those I will be more than eligible to go to University

Today I am HAPPY!!  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) To celebrate with my family, friends and the Welsh Wizard


I am so lucky to have fantastic parents who have helped me be the person I am today


Brilliant result! Well done young man, proud of you  ;) :) :)
Are you feeling lucky? Are you?


Awesome Jake... amazing !!! Hugz
I Can be your fave dream, or I can be your worst Nightmare :P


  Jake congrats .You did it. :-* :-*


congrats Jake, happy for you :)

just wondering !!
you said :

4 scores of 9
3 scores of 8
2 scores of 6
1 score of 5

isn't 10  ????


Congratulation Jake hugssss :-)
I dont want a perfect life , I just want to live with content . I got my share of problems , but I deal with them with a sense of humor and a strength of character . If you are looking to brighten up your day , I am your muse .


Quote from: Yusif on August 24, 2018, 07:22:18 AM
congrats Jake, happy for you :)

just wondering !!
you said :

4 scores of 9
3 scores of 8
2 scores of 6
1 score of 5

isn't 10  ????

9 is the maximum mark Yusif
Are you feeling lucky? Are you?


Im so proud of you bae, brilliant results!!! Love u  :-* xx


Hello to my favourite bratty in the IRC world; Jake!

I am impressed by your study accomplishments. Well done young man! I have no doubt whatsoever that you will excel in your final exams, too.
Here, hold my dignity. I have got some sketchy shit to do.

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