
How to register your nickname and identify

Started by TNTease, January 13, 2016, 10:29:59 AM

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TNTeaseTopic starter

Why register your nickname?
Registering your chosen nickname simply reserves it for your use. When you register, the next time you  (or anyone else) tries to connect using that nickname, the server will ask you to identify by using the password you registered with.  If you (or someone else) cannot provide the password in a set amount of time (usually 60 seconds), then the server will change the nickname, either by adding numbers at the end or changing it to a "user" or "guest" nickname.  This often prevents others from using the nick you have chosen and registered, so they cannot impersonate you.  It also lets other chatters and your friends know if it's really you.

Quick and dirty, here's how to register your nickname:
1)you must be using the nickname you want to register!  So if you're not, then change it by using:  /nick nicknamehere
2)join a room with no other nicknames in it (you can just type /join #room --- where #room is simply your nickname with a hashtag (#) in front of it, like /join #Charlie
3)think of a password (hmm I think I'll use nky345), and be ready to type your email so you can get the verify code
4)now register your nickname!

/nickserv REGISTER passwordhere emailhere  <---the command format

/nickserv REGISTER nky345  [email protected] <---the way you use it

Then go check your email for a message from the server with your verify code/command, and when you get it, paste it in the place you would normally type to chat, then hit <enter> (you can do this in the room you joined to register - the one with your nickname.)
The verification simply verifies that the email you gave is legitimate.

You should see a msg saying you're registered. 

You will also need to Identify - this is what keeps the registration active.  The server will drop nicknames that have not been identified for 30 days.

To identify on the webchat, simply put in your nickname and password on the login screen.

To identify if you are using a different client/program you need to use a command:
the command:     /ns identify your-password
so I would type:  /ns identify nky345

(again, you must be using the nickname you want to identify to.)
This tells the network that it's really you and not someone else using your now-registered nick.

If you need any help with this, please type /join #help room to request assistance.
[Note:  More info is available on here for Registered Members on these message forums. This is a separate registration from the chatrooms area.]

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