
Welcome to ICQ-Chat Network!

Started by TNTease, November 21, 2015, 05:45:13 AM

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TNTeaseTopic starter

Thanks for stopping by and we hope you will take the time to look around and say hello, maybe even stay awhile!  ICQ-Chat is designed to be a place where displaced IrCQnet chatters can come in and instantly feel "at home", with channel and commands structures very similar to those they used on IrCQnet.  But it's not just for displaced IrCQnet-ers, so if you're looking for a place to visit or to hang out, join some of the rooms and say hello.  We want to provide a pleasant place for anyone and everyone to chat.

If you need assistance, you can type /join #Help to reach our help channel, or ask in #chat, our most popular room, and there is usually someone around who will try to help.

-The Ops Team-


I congratulate you on being brave enough to branch out and start a server of your own, where I hope you can speak freely and have lots of fun.

I truly hope that its a place that is successful and full of laughter. A drama free place, because after all if you want to watch a drama, watch a soap opera!

It's a shame ICQ have decided to close their network after many years, (I think they call it progress?) but I'm up for something new and exciting. (no smut intended)

Bring on the new year and a new chat experience! (One that's spam free!)


Smiley Jamie

Good stuff Tease and rest of ircops/owners.All i can say is i hope u all listen to us long time regs.Alot of you guys ( Ircops) have known alot of us ( Simple Users) a long time.I truely hope you guys with the help of decent regs can make this work.Cose as u should know it takes more than ircops channy's and Bots to make/build a server.Congrats to all involved/Concerned.Most of all you Tease hun...... Huggles;)

TNTeaseTopic starter

aw thanks smiley :)  we wanted a place where folks could chat that was a wee bit more into keeping out some of the more unpleasant riff-raff.  You're right that it takes good chatters to make a good network.  I'm happy to see we have some of the best ;)

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Our Network Team


HB - BotOps Lead Admin
      ChanOps Training Admin

Nathan Radio & DJ Lead Admin
MaTriX - Co-Owner
TNTease - Co-Owner
Yusif  - ICQ-Chat Owner




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In Memoriam

> MarkAus61
> SatmanUK
> Gandalf
> DeJaVOoo
> Blinx
> Aussie_Lady
> Maxim
> Frenchie
> Kaytee
> Manati
> Jessi
> Brat