
Potential Scamming & Money Requests

Started by MaTriX, June 27, 2019, 07:46:05 AM

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The IRCop team would like to bring to the attention of all our users the dangers of scammers, those being people who will go to any lengths either via e-mail or online to obtain money from vulnerable people. Users who say they are in financial hardship for example and start asking for money have other options rather than asking people they may be friends with online, there are charities for this or even immediate family.

It has been brought to our attention that this may have taken place on our network, we would like to strongly advise ALL our users NOT to be enticed into parting with any money, even if they THINK or BELIEVE they trust the person who has asked.

Finally, as a point of law, we would like to make everyone aware that the Network Admin Team cannot be held responsible should there be a financial agreement made between two parties whilst in chat or private. Also to make it equally clear the Admin team or any moderator at the time who witness any such requests being made in any of the main rooms will remove the said users, as it is potential form of "scamming"

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