
Welcome Home Jake

Started by MaTriX, August 29, 2019, 05:15:08 PM

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So, after what seems to have been the longest 3 months of my life I just want to leave this Welcome Home post for Jake  :) :)

Back Friday afternoon in the UK after his stay in Washington DC

Welcome Home!
Are you feeling lucky? Are you?


Welcome Home Jake hugsss  :)
I dont want a perfect life , I just want to live with content . I got my share of problems , but I deal with them with a sense of humor and a strength of character . If you are looking to brighten up your day , I am your muse .


Glad you're back home (or that you will be soon) where you belong!  ;)

Superhugs and Welcome Home Jake!




Thank you all so much and thanks Dad for the surprise welcome home party which I definitely was NOT expecting, it was great. It is great to be back in Manchester (the best City in Europe) and great to spend my first full day back going to watch Man City thrash Brighton 4-0.
I have brought back with me my best friend Greg from the USA who is visiting the UK for the very time. Greg is the eldest son of the great couple I stayed with in Washington and presently he aims to spend a month here in Manchester with us, during that time I will be taking a considerable amount of time out not just showing him our wonderful City but also taking him to some great tourist spots in the UK.

He obviously wants to visit London for a couple of days and another place he wants to see is Scotland so we intend to take him away for 1 week to the Scottish Highlands Mid September. He will probably end up staying longer than a month!

Anyway, enough from me, thank you again and see you all in chat on the best Network on IRC!!

Jake x  ;) ;) :-* :-*
I am so lucky to have fantastic parents who have helped me be the person I am today


Welcome back Jake, i hope u have a wonderful time showing Greg the sights of the UK and have a great time in Scotland


I Can be your fave dream, or I can be your worst Nightmare :P


Ill try bud.

Lately Ive been on PDF but I miss this place and all the fun I had.

Hope the population here, increases.

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