
No longer Mibbit or IRCCloud on ICQ-Chat!

Started by Chris, February 24, 2020, 07:14:49 PM

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Dear Users,

behind the scenes we always try to improve and stabilize our performance and security. In those efforts we've taken the very careful decision of no longer accepting connections from Mibbit as well as IRCCloud.
Both of those services are often used for jumping bans.

We will disable those two services in 2 steps.

Mibbit will no longer work with ICQ-Chat starting Tuesday, 25. Febuary 2020 - 00:00 GMT +2
Free-IRCCloud Users will no longer be able to connect to ICQ-Chat. You will have to purchase a Upgrade at IRCCloud.

Affected users are advised to use our alternative web chats: KiwiIRC (recommended), TheLounge.

Please note: If you upgrade your IRCCloud plan we do not receive any of that money! We are neither affiliated with IRCCloud or sponsored! We've taken that step to reduce the amaunt IRCCloud gets abused for Banjumping and a Banjumper will most likely not purchase IRCCloud to be able to connect. So we've taken the decision of not blocking it entirely and keep it available for everyone who really wants to use it.

Thank you for your support! We appreciate it!

on behalf of the admin team

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In Memoriam

> MarkAus61
> SatmanUK
> Gandalf
> DeJaVOoo
> Blinx
> Aussie_Lady
> Maxim
> Frenchie
> Kaytee
> Manati
> Jessi
> Brat