
Do not give out your passwords

Started by TNTease, June 25, 2020, 03:55:42 AM

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TNTeaseTopic starter

Recently someone tried to spoof chatter accounts by trying to fool them into messaging "Nicksarv" instead of "NickServ" and threatening that their nicks would be frozen if they did not type out the command, which would include their password.  Please be aware that such schemes can happen, here or on any other chat network.  Pay attention if you see any similar message and please ask in #help room (/join #help), or ask a ChanOp or Ircop if you are unsure about any such message. 

Our Services (such as ChanServ, NickServ, etc) will NEVER EVER ask you for YOUR passwords, etc. Please do not give your password to other people.  If you have any questions we're there for you at #help

If you need to report such an incident, please report the content in #Help, and NOT in a chatroom or someone's private, for your safety.

Thank You!
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