
UPDATED 17/02!!Inappropriate You Tube titles (Important Update!! Please read!)

Started by MaTriX, April 19, 2021, 08:02:20 AM

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MaTriXTopic starter

With immediate effect any songs which appear in any main public channels from a chatter with the "F"**K or "C"(**t) words in the title, the chatter will be BANNED for unacceptable content. This has now been increased from the original warn /kick due to that fact some users seem to think it is acceptable to ignore the previous warning, as below

[11:31] (Razer): YouTube Lily Allen - Fuck You (Lyrics) "no one wants your opinion"

 This also INCLUDES the #radio channel.

Should there be no Op present when this takes place the BAN sanction will still be actioned by Admin on the user concerned and it will be set for 24hrs



Addendum: This has now been extended to include racist title content, such as "Nigger" (and variants).
Are you feeling lucky? Are you?


Time to remind all about Marks post from long ago ... it still applies and is a BAN immediately for these types of YouTube songs/ links

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In Memoriam

> MarkAus61
> SatmanUK
> Gandalf
> DeJaVOoo
> Blinx
> Aussie_Lady
> Maxim
> Frenchie
> Kaytee
> Manati
> Jessi
> Brat