
Minor Changes to Radio

Started by Nathan, May 14, 2023, 05:00:02 PM

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NathanTopic starter

To all our Loyal listeners

As you may of heard there has been some changes in Radio. MaTriX has handed over the role of Radio Lead to myself, all this means is that the daily running of radio now falls upon me.

On behalf of all DJ's and Listeners I wish to thank MaTriX for the time and effort he has put into radio over the years making #Radio what it is now. As we move forward on the ICQ-Chat Network I am always open to ideas and suggestions so please feel free to drop me a message if you have any ideas or suggestions.

MaTriX will still be in the background as Radio Admin this is solely to help me with certain things in Radio that I am unable to do (such as add DJ Access to forums, as this is an Admin only function) MaTriX & TNTease will also be available for Questions should I not be around.

I would like to personally thank each and every DJ who Volunteer their spare time in providing such great music, fun and banter, without any of them #Radio would not be here

Finally, Myself, Admins and all the DJ's would like to thank each and every loyal listener to radio, without your support and friendship #Radio wouldn't be what it is today.


Radio Lead

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Our Network Team


HB - BotOps Lead Admin
      ChanOps Training Admin

Nathan Radio & DJ Lead Admin
MaTriX - Co-Owner
TNTease - Co-Owner
Yusif  - ICQ-Chat Owner




Radio DJs:


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In Memoriam

> MarkAus61
> SatmanUK
> Gandalf
> DeJaVOoo
> Blinx
> Aussie_Lady
> Maxim
> Frenchie
> Kaytee
> Manati
> Jessi
> Brat