
Moderator Vacancies

Started by MaTriX, April 16, 2024, 08:28:23 AM

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MaTriXTopic starter

G'day all (This is my Australian welcome, even though I'm from the UK :P)

As you may have seen in the past there has been several posts on here advertising the fact we are always looking for volunteers to join the small team we have here to be a Moderator on the Network. As you all maybe aware over the last 20+ years the way people participate in social networking has changed dramatically around the world, the world of IRC has reduced in size and very few HUGE IRC Networks now exist. I think it's pretty safe to say we are just a small cog in a very large wheel.

As a chat site we treat ourselves as a small team and Network and we continue to try and provide a safe and friendly platform for users to enjoy chat, we obviously want this to continue. It is an unfortunate fact of life that every Network has trolls, they have and always will be there, mainly because their only aim in life (because they don't wish to socialise properly and probably have no life at all) is to both annoy people and disrupt the IRC sites they frequent whilst we, the Admin , the BotOps and the Mods try to cover 24/7 365 days a week in what spare time we have to safeguard both the Network and the users who just want to chat with friends or family in a comfortable chat environment. Having been on IRC myself since I was 16 (my God that seems a long, long time ago, 24 years to be exact) I can safely say I have seen it all. My priority being on here in what spare time I have is to continue with the rest of this small team protecting the Network. I guess this brings me to the point of this rather long post as follows ...

1. We want to continue to both maintain what we presently have and build from it (increase the capacity)

2. Build the "Team" further

3. Bring in new features to keep up AND exceed our competitors

To progress with points 2 & 3 we need maybe 2 or 3 additional Moderators to join us, people who are willing to give up just 10 hours a week to moderate the Network and so we can present ourselves with solid 24hr coverage. The criteria for this is not rocket science, the following simple points apply

1. You need a Script (client)
2. You need just a basic knowledge of how IRC works
3. You need to have basic common sense and know how to communicate with other chatters

In return you will get

1. Full support and training from Admin
2. The feel of responsibility in Moderating a chatroom(s) which daily sees over 100 chatters in it

I wish to clarify specifically what "FULL Support" means. FULL support is that both the Admin team and the BotOp team will always be around to both help and protect the Moderators from "pissants" who only have one thing in life they want to achieve and that is to behave like 10 year olds who have just had their lego bricks stolen or their barbie Doll wacked with an hammer. as hard as it is to believe, some of these people are actually in their 50's, 60's :) , also, full support means always being around to help and give advise to maintain a "family" sort of atmosphere in our Chanops room.

So, if you are game for a challenge and to give yourself some responsibility and an active part in our Network then come and join us and see life from the other side whilst at the same time continuing to enjoy chat with your friends.

Please either come and talk to me directly in a private for more info (I don't bite, only at weekends) or message me on here

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> MarkAus61
> SatmanUK
> Gandalf
> DeJaVOoo
> Blinx
> Aussie_Lady
> Maxim
> Frenchie
> Kaytee
> Manati
> Jessi
> Brat