
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) ---GENERAL INFORMATION

Started by TNTease, March 13, 2020, 09:50:19 PM

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TNTeaseTopic starter

With all the craziness and near-panic about the current "corona virus crisis" I thought it might be handy to pass along a bit of information and tips.

Obviously, it shouldn't affect much here on our network.  But it never hurts to take a few precautions personally.

We've all heard about how you chould wash your hands often, don't touch your face and all that.  In addition to upping your personal hygiene practices, there are a few other things you can do around your house and 'personal space' to keep germs at-bay.

Options for disinfectants, when the usual products are not available:
1. You can disinfect by wiping objects down with Isopropyl/rubbing alcohol - which you may find in your drug stores and pharmaceutical areas of other stores. [should be at least 60% alcohol, so read the label - not all rubbing alcohol is as concentrated.]
2. You can use a mix of vinegar and water to clean and disinfect surfaces almost anywhere.  And while some people may not like the vinegar smell, it does usually dissipate in short order.  You can also use a few drops of essential oil into the mix to help the smell. Spray, let sit for a few minutes, and rinse or wipe. (you can also use straight vinegar in the rinse with your laundry, or add it instead of your usual fabric softener). You can often find vinegar (white vinegar for cleaning) in the grocery store near baking goods or cooking oils.
3. You can use Hydrogen Peroxide to disinfect surfaces and laundry --- best to keep it in the dark bottle it comes in, as it will degrade in the light - you can use it on a cloth straight from the bottle, or find a sprayer that will fit the bottle.  Do not use on marble surfaces.  Be careful when using on fabric or porous surfaces, as it may bleach in some cases.  Spray, let it sit for a few mins, then rinse or wipe.  You may find Hydrogen Peroxide in a pharmacy or pharmaceutical area of your local store, usually near the bandages. (It is often used to disinfect wounds.)

Wipe/disinfect countertops several times a day. Don't forget to wipe down appliances, and handles.

Other Things you might want to disinfect around you:  Doorknobs, phones, Keyboards....just about anything you normally touch every day.

I hope you find some of this information useful.  It's all stuff you can use in everyday life.

P.S. - can't find toilet tissue/toilet paper?  Consider:
Paper towels, paper napkins, facial tissue, or in a pinch, washcloths/flannels (just be sure to launder them often! LOL)


Obviously, it shouldn't affect much here on our network.  But it never hurts to take a few precautions personally.


the NEW rules because of CoronaVirus :

1 - you have fever while you in chat                                      ... you banned
2 - you sneeze while you in chat room                                   ... you banned
3 - you cough while you in chat room                                    ... you banned
4 - you have flu and still join chat                                         ... you banned
5 - you not have enough distance from the one you chat with ... you banned
6 - you not wear mask while you chatting                              ... you banned
7 - you not wear gloves while you typing                               ... you banned
8 - you not doing any of all above in chat                              ... you banned
9 - you have/feel any of any in above                                   ... you go to the quarantine

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
:P 8) :P 8) :P 8) :P 8) :P 8) :P 8) :P




I've learned a lot about the priorities of people. The most important thing for everyone appears to be able to take a shit normally in a crisis.

No seriously, if you bought an unreasonable amount of toilet paper, please send some over to me. Seriously, stuck on the toilet and can't wipe. Please help.
The wound is not deep, but you know it existsâ€"and that is enough.

TNTeaseTopic starter

LMFAO @ Yusif and Hush !!!

There is a quote from the movie Men In Black that oddly enough I haven't seen anyone mention in all of this...:

"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

Situation Report - Kentucky USA

So far here, I find the store shelves are a little bare, but they seem to be restocking as fast as they can get products in.  Most people I've overheard pretty much think those who are stockpiling so much have simply gone insane and the press is highly exaggerating the situation.  I didn't see anyone stocking up on any one thing, just maybe getting groceries for a month instead of a week or two at a time.


Are you feeling lucky? Are you?

Dragonfly 72

My fiance and I are just boosting our immune systems with supplements, herbs and vitamins.  I started on ammino energy this morning.  I believe I actually had the virus and I am recovering.  Two days ago I had chills, fever, aches etc.  All the symptoms.  The doctor said self quarantine basically so that's what I've been doing.  Best advice from myself is to stay away from others..if you go grocery shopping..get in and out Asap.  Reality is your probably going to have the virus but may not know depends on your immune system.  Best wishes to all!

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