

Started by chantal, February 05, 2019, 11:41:13 PM

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chantalTopic starter

     Hello Chess funs. We have still 3 days to start .If you are interested welcome to Winter Tournament.
     Here Tournement List:

chantalTopic starter

      Hello again  ::) . we did good start with tournament today.    Thanks to Players and congrats to winners.With Points here is the list update:

TheHatter {b}     - Ace23 [w]

Travellerguy {w} - chantal

Ace23 [w]           - London49m {b}

Lea [w]               - Alucard {b}
Name                                   point
     1-Ace23                              2
     2- Lea                                 1
     3-chantal                             1

chantalTopic starter

Hello chess funs. Second day at the tournament. We have 1 more Player. Today there were 3 games one of them took 2 Hours. Yes Lea and error_418 played 2 Hours at the end error_418 won and it was funny how lea descrip her end game. She said she was Jumping like goat with pawn lolz.Frenchie had his first Point today againts Alucard.Ace23 had another Point. Me and arttina couldnt Play cause of flu.Tomorrow will be first game for arttina.Wish to everyone luck and fun.   
        here is the list upgrade with games results

        Frenchie - Ace23           0-1
        Alucard  - Frenchie        0-1
        Lea      - error_418        0-1

Name                                   point
     1- Ace23                            3
     2- error_418                       1
     3- Lea                                1
     4- Frenchie                         1                 
     5- chantal                           1
     6- Travellerguy
     7- London49m
     8- arrow
     9- Solid
     14- Mark_52

chantalTopic starter

       :-*  Hello Chess funs.Today we had realy interesting games. First one was between Frenchie and me. I couldnt Sleep and he couldnt Sleep so we played at 3 am lolz.Ofcourse both of us half sleeping so he was the one who can Keep both eyes open he won.Other interesting game between Lea-Ace23 . they start game and Ace23 left without saying something. Lea still waiting as i type this upgread.Hope he didnt fall a Sleep on Keyboard   ;D .

     Here games and Points for today ;10.02.2019

    Frenchie - chantal     1-0                error_418 - Ace23       0-1

    Lea       -  Ace23       1-0                chantal - Alucard         1-0

    Name                                   point
     1- Ace23                            4
     2- Frenchie                         2         
     3- chantal                           2
     4- Lea                                2                 
     5- error_418                       1
     6- Travellerguy
     7- London49m
     8- arrow
     9- Solid
     14- Mark_52


Hey chessfreaks
I made a cross-classified table so every paticipant of the tournament sees in one view what's going on and which games are still have to be played. The table will be updated regularly. If you see a mistake (e.g. wrong colors or result) please post in this thread or in IRC channel #chessclub. Have fun!

chantalTopic starter

 :D thank you error_418 great Job  :-*


Hey chessfreaks!

Due to Solid left the tournament there's a new table.
There are five weeks left, so hurry up a little bit  ;)

Table after 13 of 156 games (updated Feb 15th)



Hey chessfreaks!
6 games were played this weekend. 3 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. After a long fight which takes 3 hours between Ace23 and Lea in a queen endgame, the first draw of tournament was played. The longest fight so far was played on sunday between Lea and Frenchie which Frenchie could win at the end. Ace23 is unbeaten with 6,5 out of 7.
Here's the table:

UPDATE: Feb 22nd

chantalTopic starter

  Hallo chess funs , second weeks with Tournament. Players trying to finish their games as it is not easy to catch every Player at same time.I lost my two games ,Ace23 and Lea had 3 Hours game yesterday, and result was 1-1  :-X :-X . This week games beetwen Travellerguy , error_418,Lea and Frenchie.

Here last games and results

Travellerguy - error_418    0-1       

Travellerguy - Lea              0-1

chantal  - error_418           0-1

chantal -   Ace23               0-1

Frenchie -  Lea                  1-0               

     Name                                 point
     1- Ace23                            6,5
     2- Error_418                       4
     3- Frenchie                         3             
     4- chantal                           3                 
     5- Lea                               2,5         
     6- Travellerguy
     7- London49m
     8- arrow
     9- Solid
     14- Mark_52


Hey chessfreaks,
yesterday on Friday one game took place.
Today another three games were played.

We welcome two new players who joined the tournament: TiaRa and cbas!

Update 8th March:

Table (updated Mar 8th):

chantalTopic starter

Hello Chess funs here semifinal and final   list  :

Ace23  -  Tiara         -------------

Frenchie -  Chantal  -------------

Error_418 -  cbas     --------------

Lea  -  Travellerguy   --------------

chantalTopic starter

Hello chess funs  . Finally our tournament will end today with semifinal and final games. There were realy great games and players who can have time and play their games did very good job congrats.Specially Frenchie ,Lea , Error_418 , Ace23 and Travellerguy .They are real fighters and very good players.
            here semifinal :

          Ace23   -   Frenchie   ...............------------------
.          .........................................................................------------------
          Error_418   -  Lea     ................-------------------

        wish you luck to all players  :) 

chantalTopic starter

Hello everyone .Tournament  is over with final game beetwen Lea and Ace23.And it seems we have 2 winner. Game result was 1/2  1/2 . For me everyone who joined to tournament is winner. Thank you soo much giving time and Energie to this tournament. Hug you all  :-* 

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