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About Us

When IrCQNet closed in 2015 a small group of folks got together and began to discuss what kind of chat network we would like to chat in, at the end we decided to start a new Network called ICQ-Chat since that name was easy to remember for all former IrCQNet chatters. ICQ-Chat was founded in November 2015 and is a separate IRC Network.

Our goal is to provide a pleasant atmosphere for people to enjoy socializing in an online chat environment. In order to make this possible, we have determined that certain rules and restrictions are necessary to avoid violations of generally accepted laws and codes of conduct, and for the protection of our services and those who use them. When necessary, these rules and restrictions may be updated and enforced across all of the services we offer, including our message forums, our gallery pages, our helpdesk systems and any other services we offer now or in the future.

Common sense and politeness will carry you in most situations, but you will find our Acceptable Use Policy, channel Bot Policy and some other information here.

Connecting information for IRC Clients: [supported Ports: 6660-6669 and +6697 (SSL)]

ICQ-Chat offers you

Cool chat

Have fun and meet lots of people - completely anonymous.

Radio, Music, have fun!

You can listen to your favorite songs and chat with friends at the same time, And with our live DJ, can provide your request of songs you like, enjoy your time.

Youth protection

Moderators pay attention to the observance of the youth protection law and are always there for you.

Real-Time statistics

See what you do and what your activities are and of course who the biggest lab bags are!

Uno, Trivia and more!

Play super-great games and create the next high score.


Hot topics that you can choose and discuss with friends.

Support and Assistance

If you're running into problems with our Website, Chat or anything related to our Services do not hesitate to contact us via our Support Desk.

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