
Some answers to questions about bans and 'ban jumping'

Started by TNTease, February 14, 2023, 01:00:43 AM

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TNTeaseTopic starter

What is a ban?
A ban can mean someone is banned from a channel, or the network-administered channels, or even the entire network. It can also sometimes be just some part of your connection or information is not allowed (such as an inappropriate nickname).  A Network Ban is usually in the form of a G-Line or a Z-Line, which would usually block you from connecting to the IRC ('chat') portion of the network.

A person can also be banned from using the Gallery or the Helpdesk, if they have been abusive in these areas.

How would I know the reason for a ban?

When someone is banned from channels or from the network, there is a ban reason that posts in your "status" window (this is the window that you get all that text when you first log into the network - it periodically shows information related to your connection, while you are connected to the network).  If you are banned from a channel, but still connected to the network, you can type /join #help to enter our #help room and ask there if you are unclear why you were banned or kicked out of a channel.
If you are banned from the network, and you try to reconnect, but the connection is refused, you should normally get some kind of message indicating if you have been G-Lined or Z-Lined, and the link to our helpdesk so that you can open a ticket to request information or ask to have the ban removed.

If someone is "banned", how do they know for how long they have been banned?

Some ban messages will say how long, but you can ask in #help. ChanOps and IrcOps can look up your ban and tell you when it expires. ChanOp channel bans are usually an average of about 4 hours, although some are shorter and some are longer.

IrcOp bans tend to be longer and may be global bans (bans from all network-administered channels). They vary in length of time. You can also ask about those in our #help room.

Network bans are called G-Lines and Z-Lines, and you will not be able to connect to the network. For information on these types of bans, you can open a ticket on our HelpDesk - there is a link at the top of the webpage, or you can bookmark this link -

What is a nick-ban?

If someone comes in with a rude or otherwise 'inappropriate' nickname, they are usually asked to change it, which can be done without leaving the room. If they do not change it, their nickname may be banned (which will kick them out of the room with a message to change it), or it may be forcibly changed to a random nickname. Repeated use of inappropriate or rude nicknames can result in your connection being banned from one or more rooms.

If a nickname is banned, it is usually banned for all network-administered channels.

What is "Ban Jumping"?

Ban Jumping, or jumping a ban means to deliberately elude or circumvent or get around (or "jump") the ban.  Most chatters and moderators will recognize when someone has jumped or evaded a ban, so you're rarely fooling anyone if you manage to do it. If a moderator discovers you have ban jumped, you will usually be banned again for that violation. If you feel you were banned in error, or on accident, you can open a ticket on the helpdesk, or if you are only banned from a channel or if you are able to reconnect, go to our #help room for assistance.  If you understand the ban was appropriate for your actions, please don't pester the ops/moderators about it. Just wait out your ban and return then.

I hope this information was helpful.

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